Frequently Asked Questions For property valuations

Q: How often should I get my property valued?
A: It's a good idea to get a valuation every 1–2 years, especially if you're planning to sell or refinance. Market conditions can change rapidly, affecting property values.


Q: Can I challenge a low appraisal?
A: Yes, you can challenge an appraisal if you believe it's inaccurate. Provide evidence, such as recent comps or overlooked property features, to support your case.


Q: Do renovations always increase property value?
A: Not always. Focus on high-ROI upgrades like kitchen remodels, bathroom updates, or energy-efficient improvements. Overly personalized renovations may not appeal to all buyers.


Q: How accurate are online valuation tools?
A: Online tools provide estimates based on public data, but they may not account for unique property features or current market conditions. Use them as a starting point, not a final value.


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